本文摘要:The world’s best-known robots are at risk of spying on their users, revealing trade secrets or even being taken over and used in physical fights, according to security experts who warn that the devices are vulnerable to cyber attack.安全性专家回应,世界上最知名的一些机器人不存在监听它们的用户、泄漏商业机密,甚至被掌控、被用作实行身体反击的风险。
The world’s best-known robots are at risk of spying on their users, revealing trade secrets or even being taken over and used in physical fights, according to security experts who warn that the devices are vulnerable to cyber attack.安全性专家回应,世界上最知名的一些机器人不存在监听它们的用户、泄漏商业机密,甚至被掌控、被用作实行身体反击的风险。这些专家们警告,机器人很更容易遭网络攻击。IOActive, a cyber security company, tested 50 robots — including SoftBank Robotics’ childlike Pepper robot and Rethink Robotics’ industrial Baxter robot — and discovered weaknesses that would allow a hacker to manipulate arms and legs and take over microphones and cameras.网络安全公司IOActive测试了50台机器人,还包括软银机器人(SoftBank Robotics)生产的孩子模样的Pepper,以及Rethink Robotics的工业机器人Baxter,结果找到了一些缺失,黑客可以利用这些缺失来操控机器人的手臂和腿,或者掌控麦克风和摄像头。As more robots replace humans in jobs from construction sites to hospitals, with Pepper already being used in stores and homes and Baxter deployed on assembly lines , the impact of a potential cyber attack increases. Spending on robots and related services is set to double to $188bn in 2020, according to data from research firm IDC.随着更加多的机器人在从建筑工地到医院的工作岗位上代替人类——Pepper已被用在商店和家庭,Baxter被用在装配线上——潜在网络攻击的影响也将减少。
研究公司IDC的数据表明,2020年,机器人及涉及服务方面的开支将比现在翻一番,约1880亿美元。Cesar Cerrudo, chief technology officer for IOActive Labs, which specialises in hunting for flaws in so-called Internet of Things devices, said he was concerned that robots were being connected to the internet with no thought for cyber security.IOActive LabsIOActive专门致力于找寻物联网设备的缺失,该机构的首席技术官塞萨尔?塞鲁多(Cesar Cerrudo)回应,他担忧人们于是以将机器人终端互联网而几乎没考虑到网络安全问题。“Once the robots start to be in every home and many businesses, the motivation to attack them will increase exponentially,” he said. “Since they can move around their surroundings, especially industrial robots, they use a lot of power and can be programmed to do very dangerous movements in real time.”“一旦机器人开始转入千家万户和许多企业,对它们展开反击的动机将深感减少,”他说道,“由于机器人可以在自己的环境中四处移动,尤其是工业机器人,它们要用于很多电力,因此可以通过编程让它们动态地作出十分危险性的动作。
”While it found no evidence yet of any cyber attacks on robots, Mr Cerrudo warned that they could be used to cause physical harm or to stall operations.虽然IOActive仍未找到机器人遭到网络攻击的任何证据,但塞鲁多警告称之为,它们有可能被用来导致身体损害或让某些活动暂停。He said that if one of the flaws that he discovered was used to infect a robot with ransomware, malicious software that shuts down a computer until its recipient pays a ransom, it could damage operations.他回应,如果有人利用他这次找到的某个缺失,以勒索软件(一种恶意软件,可以重开计算机,直到被感染者缴纳赎金)病毒感染一台机器人,有可能造成活动无法长时间展开。
“If they start replacing workers with robots, it will be as if someone hacked the company’s employees,” he said.“如果一家公司开始用机器人更换工人,(一旦这些机器人受到黑客攻击)那就样子这家公司的员工受到了黑客攻击,”他说道。IOActive, which has informed robot manufacturers of the flaws, also found serious cyber security problems in robots from other companies including Ubtech Robotics, Robotis, Universal Robots and Sartec Corp.IOActive已把这些缺失通报给了机器人生产商。该公司也在优必选科技(UBTech Robotics)、Robotis、优傲机器人(Universal Robots)和Sartec Corp等公司出品的机器人身上找到了相当严重的网络安全问题。
Universal Robots said it was aware of IOActive’s report and was “investigating the potential vulnerability described and potential countermeasures”.优傲机器人公司回应,它已了解到IOActive的报告,并且“正在调查报告中叙述的潜在薄弱环节,并研究潜在对策”。Rethink Robotics said it had already addressed some of the issues highlighted by IOActive.Rethink Robotics公司回应,它已解决问题了IOActive认为的一些问题。