

2025-01-04 阅读次数:

本文摘要:When youre a famous CEO, you end up giving so many interviews that you might forget what youve said in them all.You might also give interviews on particular days when youre in particular moods. This can lead to particular articles being published that you particularly regret.如果你是一位知名CEO,在拒绝接受了无数专访之后,你有可能都不忘记你说道过什么了。

When youre a famous CEO, you end up giving so many interviews that you might forget what youve said in them all.You might also give interviews on particular days when youre in particular moods. This can lead to particular articles being published that you particularly regret.如果你是一位知名CEO,在拒绝接受了无数专访之后,你有可能都不忘记你说道过什么了。有可能某天你在拒绝接受专访时心情不欠佳,专访后刊出出来的文章不会让你对自己所言十分愧疚。So it is, perhaps, with an interview in which Tesla CEO Elon Musk gave to Germanys Handelsblatt. In it, he suggested -- jokingly?-- that the Cupertino, California, tech titan hires Teslas engineering castoffs.德国商报专访特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克就是这种情况。在专访中,也许是半打趣,马斯克说道技术行业的大亨——坐落于加利福尼亚州的库皮蒂诺市所雇用的是特斯拉之前辞退的工程师。

Did you ever take a look at the Apple Watch? No, seriously, he said of Apples alleged foray into cars. Its good that Apple is moving and investing in this direction. But cars are very complex compared to phones or smartwatches.你之前看完苹果手表吗?没。马斯克在谈及苹果公司无意进占汽车行业时说:苹果公司改向这个行业是件好事。

但是同手机和智能手表比起,汽车哈密顿那些东西简单多了。Some wondered whether Apple and Tesla had endured a falling out. It had once been rumored that the two companies might come together.有些人担忧苹果和特斯拉否不会因此产生嫌隙。之前曾传闻两家公司或将拆分。

Thankfully, Musk took to Twitter on Friday to dismiss the very notion that he and Apple werent BFFs.好在周五时,马斯克放推特,坚称自己与苹果公司关系不佳的谣言。Yo, I dont hate Apple, he first tweeted. Its a great company with a lot of talented people. I love their products and Im glad theyre doing an EV.嘿!我可没有说道自己喜欢苹果,他在推特中称之为:苹果公司有许多才华横溢的人。我讨厌他们的产品,我很高兴他们打算生产电动汽车。

Those of punctilious mien might suggest that Apples talented people still just werent talented enough to work for Tesla. They might also muse that Musk seems to know definitively that Apple is making an electronic vehicle. Might that be because the alleged castoffs from Tesla who now work at Apple have told him?这些精心设计过的推文或许是在说道这些才华横溢的员工依然没资格为特斯拉效力,或者马斯克早已确认苹果公司在研究电动汽车。这怎么会是那些被特斯拉辞退的员工跑完回去勒令的密?Musk followed up with another tweet addressing his views on the Watch. Regarding the watch, Jony his team created a beautiful design, but the functionality isnt compelling yet. By version 3, it will be.马斯克旋即又放了第二条推特,明确提出自己对苹果手表的观点。对于手表,乔尼和他的团队所设计出来的产品十分可爱,但是功能尚且过于完备。

或许到第三代不会很不俗。Translation: Version 2 will still be an inadequate lump of beautiful design.话外音:第二代依然是个功能残次的刺绣抱着枕头。

Commenters on Musks tweets werent all amused. Someone called Joe Zou suggested that Teslas CEO was merely jealous that the Apple Watch made more profit in three months than Tesla will in 2015.马斯特的推特的评论并不都十分不无厘头。一位叫乔伊·周的网友指出特斯拉的CEO纯粹就是在妒忌苹果手表三个月内的盈利比特斯拉2015年的年盈利还要多。

